02/Oct/18 22:33
El equipo 'taronja' se sobrepuso tras un mal inicio y terminó pasando por encima del conjunto francés.
01/Oct/18 22:57
After the first three game days, only two teams remain unbeaten in the French league.
24/Sep/18 11:03
ASVEL, Fransa Ligi'nde yeni sezona Monaco'ya karşı büyük bir deplasman zaferiyle başladı.
24/Sep/18 09:55
ASVEL started the new season in the French league with a big road win against Monaco.
11/Sep/18 11:28
A new era started for ASVEL, which got a new logo, a new naming sponsor, the biggest deal in...
05/Sep/18 13:01
Real Madrid ve ASVEL beraber yaptığı idmanın ardından bir hazırlık maçı yaptı.
05/Sep/18 10:32
Real Madrid and ASVEL worked out together and also played a friendly game.
04/Sep/18 23:47
El equipo presidido por Tony Parker venció en un duelo a puerta cerrada.
01/Sep/18 09:23
ASVEL and Mornar Bar had their first pre-season game on Friday night.
29/Aug/18 15:58
ASVEL might look to sign a player following Alpha Kaba's injury.