15/Aug/19 09:12
Following Xavier Cooks injury, Mitch Creek gains spot in Australia’s World Cup roster.
14/Aug/19 10:51
The Australian national team in need for a replacement in the 2019 FIBA World Cup squad.
10/Aug/19 12:18
Australia has to survive the "Group of Death" in the FIBA World Cup, but then it aims higher than...
07/Aug/19 21:24
Die Auswahl von Australien hat sich für die Weltmeisterschaft 2019 in China auf 12 Akteure festgelegt.
07/Aug/19 13:19
Australia ya ha elegido a los 12 jugadores que formarán parte del equipo.
07/Aug/19 08:17
Australia narrowed down its 2019 FIBA World Cup roster to the final 12 players.
04/Aug/19 10:51
Viele NBA-Spieler haben ihren Namen zurückgezogen, aber Team USA hat 15 Spieler in den finalen vorläufigen Kader für den...
04/Aug/19 09:13
Birçok NBA oyuncusunun çekilmesinin ardından ABD Milli Takımı, 15 kişilik antrenman kampı kadrosunu açıkladı.
04/Aug/19 08:40
Many NBA players withdrew, but Team USA named 15 in the final preliminary squad for the 2019 FIBA World...
17/Jul/19 07:15
Australia’s FIBA World Cup squad won’t include NBA player Ben Simmons.