11/Oct/19 21:11
El base sobrevivió en San Petersburgo en la gran noche de Kyle Kuric.
11/Oct/19 21:05
Barcelona, Zenit'i Rusya'da mağlup etti.
11/Oct/19 21:03
FC Barcelona was tested in Saint Petersburg but prevailed thanks to Kyle Kuric's big night
08/Oct/19 21:06
Barcelona hat in der Off-Season ordentlich ausgegeben.
08/Oct/19 14:59
El Barcelona gastó mucho dinero durante el mercado estival.
08/Oct/19 13:25
Barcelona, bu sezon ki bütçesini açıkladı.
08/Oct/19 13:13
Barcelona spent big in the 2019 offseason.
06/Oct/19 23:04
El Barça sufre su primera derrota en Liga Endesa a manos de los andorranos.
06/Oct/19 22:47
MoraBanc Andorra, Barcelona'yı 86-84 mağlup ederek Katalunya ekibine ligdeki ilk yenilgiyi yaşattı.
06/Oct/19 22:24
Andorra edged Barcelona in the final game of the third round in Spain.