27/Aug/20 20:30
No NBA matches will be played Thursday.
27/Aug/20 18:00
After Wednesday's historic boycott, NBA players decided to resume the season.
27/Aug/20 12:43
Национальная баскетбольная ассоциация (НБА) выступила с заявлением относительно бойкота некоторыми командами матчей плей-офф.
27/Aug/20 01:45
The Milwaukee Bucks took a clear and firm position on the issue of racial injustice.
26/Aug/20 23:48
The Bucks decision was saluted by the entire NBA world.
26/Aug/20 23:19
Wednesday's NBA action has been postponed.
26/Aug/20 22:14
The Bucks took a historic decision in the protests against racial injustice.