17/Jun/18 11:57
İspanya Ligi finalleri sebebiyle NBA Draft'ına gidemeyecek Luka Doncic bir eksik ama görünüşe bakılırsa 2018 seçiminin yeşil odasında Avrupalı...
17/Jun/18 11:44
European players are not invited in the NBA draft green room this year with Luka Doncic being the big...
16/Jun/18 20:06
Arnoldas Kulboka really likes the game of two notable former EuroLeague players.
16/Jun/18 13:54
Ο Κώστας Αντετοκούνμπο παραχώρησε συνέντευξη στο AP Sports ενόψει του Draft του NBA, που θα γίνει στις 21 Ιουνίου...
14/Jun/18 19:24
NBA Draftı'na katılacak Avrupalı yeteneklerden biri de Dzanan Musa olacak.
13/Jun/18 09:27
In total 43 international players who had declared as early entry candidates for the NBA Draft 2018 have withdrawn.
11/Jun/18 23:17
Will we see another Antetokounmpo in the NBA next season?
11/Jun/18 23:09
Another European name will be present in this year's NBA Draft.
11/Jun/18 18:13
The Slovenian wunderkind will remain in the Draft.
10/Jun/18 16:20
NBA Draftı'na artık sayılı günler kala gündemi yavaş yavaş adayların açıklamaları belirlemeye başladı.