03/Sep/16 13:27
One more club emerged as a candidate for next season's Eurocup. FMP Belgrade can enter the competition, which currently...
03/Sep/16 11:48
Taylor Rochestie ve Maccabi Tel Aviv'in yolları resmi olarak ayrıldı.
02/Sep/16 20:47
After Brandon Jefferson, Union Olimpija Lubljana closed its roster with the addition of Semen Shashkov
02/Sep/16 17:01
Η ανακοίνωση για όσα έγιναν στη γενική συνέλευση του Eurocup δεν παρουσίασε κάτι καινούριο, αλλά είναι προφανές ότι νέες...
02/Sep/16 16:41
While the announcements from the general assembly of Eurocup didn't present something new, it's obvious that new teams are...
02/Sep/16 16:41
7DAYS Eurocup Toplantısı sonrası açıklanan kararlar ekstra bir yeniliğin olmayacağını gösterdi ve turnuvaya yeni dört takımın da ekleneceğini kesinleştirdi.
01/Sep/16 13:54
Estonian BC Kalev/Cramo announced on their facebook page that they have received an invite to play in Eurocup next...
30/Aug/16 18:53
On Tuesday Lietuvos Rytas Vilnius announced the addition of forward Drew Gordon to the team for the next season,...
30/Aug/16 01:32
Της Eurohoops Team/ Την δεύτερη της μεταγραφή μέσα στην ίδια μέρα (29/8) ολοκλήρωσε η Τσεντεβίτα, η οποία ανακοίνωσε...
30/Aug/16 00:59
Παίκτης της Χίμκι θα πρέπει να θεωρείται, πλέον, ο Μπονγκού-Κολό. Ο Κονγκολέζος, με το γαλλικό διαβατήριο, φόργουορντ αναμένεται να...