facu campazzo
01/May/22 14:54
Facu Campazzo hopes to remain in the NBA but doesn't exclude a return to Europe next season
22/Dec/21 21:11
La Euroliga está repleta de estrellas... pero el cielo podría tener más astros.
28/Aug/21 10:17
Facu Campazzo analiza su temporada rookie, en la que tuvo que enfrentarse al 'trash-talk'.
27/Aug/21 22:09
Facu Campazzo, NBA'deki ilk sezonunda yaşadığı trash talk tecrübeleri hakkında konuştu...
27/Aug/21 21:54
Apparently, Facu Campazzo faced an enormous amount of trash talk in his rookie season in the NBA.
25/Jun/21 16:26
They are in the NBA but their Spanish clubs still hold their ACB rights.
10/Jun/21 12:16
Facu Campazzo, oyuncuların NBA playofflarında Avrupa'ya göre daha az özgürlüğe sahip olduğunu söyledi.
09/Jun/21 19:51
Facu Campazzo says players have less freedoms in the NBA playoffs than they do in the European postseason.
21/May/21 18:16
Facu Campazzo no podía dejar pasar la oportunidad de jugar en la NBA.
21/May/21 10:01
Facu Campazzo, NBA fırsatına "hayır" diyemezdi...