20/Mar/20 11:46
Ο νυν Γενικός Γραμματέας της FIBA, Ανδρέας Ζαγκλής, έπλεξε το εγκώμιο του Μπόρισλαβ Στάνκοβιτς.
20/Mar/20 11:11
The official Mini Movie of the 2020 FIBA Intercontinental Cup.
20/Mar/20 10:09
O Μπόρισλαβ Στάνκοβιτς "έφυγε" από τη ζωή πλήρης ημερών σε ηλικία 95 ετών...
20/Mar/20 09:47
Former FIBA Secretary General and member of the IOC, Borislav Stankovic died at his home.
20/Mar/20 07:32
FIBA awarded the number one spot in social media among IOC-recognized International Federations.
19/Mar/20 09:48
Para los aficionados que echan de menos el baloncesto, la FIBA ofrece retransmisiones de históricos partidos todos los días.
18/Mar/20 14:12
Representando a FIBA como su Director de Deportes y Competiciones, Predrag Bogosavljev aborda el tema de los Preolímpicos.
18/Mar/20 14:02
CSKA Moscow informed on Dimitris Itoudis included in the Advisory Committee of the World Association of Basketball Coaches.
18/Mar/20 13:47
For fans missing basketball, FIBA offers streams of classic international contests every day.
18/Mar/20 12:00
The Basketball Champions League remembers the classic semifinal of the inaugural Final Four.