22/Apr/16 14:02
The president of the Spanish Olympic Committee, Alejandro Blanco, talked about the possible ban of the Spanish national team...
21/Apr/16 22:28
Tonight's topic in the Lithuanian talk show "LRT Forumas", which usually covers political topics, the subject of discussion was...
21/Apr/16 16:08
Ο Άρβιντας Σαμπόνις, πρόεδρος της ομοσπονδίας μπάσκετ της Λιθουανίας, μίλησε στους δημοσιογράφους και εξήγησε το σκεπτικό πίσω από τις...
21/Apr/16 15:36
Arvydas Sabonis, president of the Lithuanian Basketball Federation, talked to journalists explaining the logic behind the recent decisions taken...
21/Apr/16 15:16
Despite the notable exception of the Slovenian federation the rest of the 13 national federations which have seen their...
21/Apr/16 14:48
Sırbistan basketbol federasyonu, Avrupa basketbolundaki karışıklığın artmasına ilişkin yazdıkları mektuba Euroleague'in verdiği cevabı yayınladı.
21/Apr/16 12:49
Euroleague CEO'su Jordi Bertomeu, Corriere della Sera'ya verdiği röportajda, FIBA'nın verdiği tepkinin en hafif tabirle "acımasızlık" olduğunu söyledi.
21/Apr/16 12:18
Dragan Todoric, sport director of Partizan Belgrade, has confirmed that the Serbian team wants to play in Eurocup next...
21/Apr/16 12:18
Partizan Belgrad'ın sportif direktörü Dragan Todoric, Sırp takımının ne olursa olsun gelecek sezon Eurocup'ta oynamak istediğini doğruladı.
20/Apr/16 22:33
According to sources from AEK BC, the decision for its ban from the Greek league is already taken and...