20/Oct/24 15:20
The senior national team of Serbia remains under the guidance of experienced tactician Svetislav Pesic for at least one...
18/Oct/24 18:59
This article details how international tournaments positively impact the growth of basketball betting and why this form of sports...
18/Oct/24 16:12
Una nueva imagen del portal oficial de la FIBA ha llegado con características adicionales interesantes
18/Oct/24 14:39
A fresh look to the official portal of FIBA with additional exciting features
16/Oct/24 16:41
Γράψτε λάθος τελικά! Η FIBA δημοσίευσε λανθασμένα 7 ban στην ΑΕΚ, τα οποία δεν ισχύουν.
10/Oct/24 17:15
H FIBA συμφώνησε με την EBU για τέσσερα ακόμη χρόνια κι έτσι οι αγώνες των εθνικών ομάδων θα συνεχίσουν...
09/Oct/24 16:58
Diecinueve países de la Unión Europea de Radiodifusión, entre ellos España, disfrutarán en abierto del Mundial 2027 y el...
09/Oct/24 14:13
EBU and FIBA agree on four-year broadcast partnership for premium national team basketball events in Europe
01/Oct/24 18:54
El legendario jugador lituano tomará el mando del conjunto nacional tras la marcha de Kazys Maksvytis
01/Oct/24 14:47
The Basketball Federation of Serbia confirms Nebojsa Covic as the next president