23/Jul/16 12:34
Goksenin Koksal, Safak Edge and Dusan Cantekin filled a protest to the Turkish basketball federation in order to terminate...
21/Jul/16 16:28
Despite the interest by Galatasaray, the player's foremost priority is to find a contract in the NBA.
18/Jul/16 17:15
After strengthening its frontline, Galatasaray is turning its attention towards signing an experienced guard who will undertake the demanding...
18/Jul/16 16:49
Geçtiğimiz sezon Eurocup'ı kazanarak bu sezon Euroleague'de mücadele edecek olan Galatasaray Odeabank'ta sıra kısa oyuncu transferine geldi. Sarı kırmızılı...
15/Jul/16 18:03
Darius Adams and David Logan are candidates to wear Galatasaray's jersey for next season. Both players are offered to...
15/Jul/16 13:06
Galatasaray is making moves in order to complete its back court and Blake Schilb is expected to be the...
15/Jul/16 12:52
Galatasaray are making some very dynamic moves in the transfer market in order to be much stronger in the...
14/Jul/16 15:22
Sinan Guler will stay for next season in Galatasaray as the agency representing him (1x1 Sports) announced via twitter
13/Jul/16 00:34
Fenerbahçe sadece James Nunnually'le ilgilenmekle kalmadı, ona bir teklif yaptı ve Eurohoops kaynaklarına göre her iki taraf da bir...
12/Jul/16 18:03
Galatasaray Odeabank'ın bugün resmen kadrosuna kattığı Deon Thompson, sarı kırmızılı formayı giyecek olmaktan dolayı oldukça heyecanlı ve mutlu.