Goga Bitadze
06/Nov/19 11:40
Algunos pívots europeos han establecido récords personales en los partidos de anoche.
06/Nov/19 09:54
Some European big men registered individual records in last night's NBA games.
04/Nov/19 12:23
En solo 78 partidos de la NBA, Luka Doncic ya ha alcanzado 11 triples-dobles.
04/Nov/19 07:34
In only 78 NBA games, Luka Doncic is up to 11 triple-doubles.
27/Aug/19 19:09
Oyun ve basketbol denilince akla gelen ilk şey NBA 2K! Oyunun yeni versiyonu NBA 2K20 çıkarken oyuncuların ratingleri de...
06/Aug/19 19:48
Erlebt wie Goga Bitadze in seiner Rookie-Saison zum aufstrebenden EuroLeague-Star wurde und von den Indiana Pacers im NBA-Draft ausgewählt...
05/Aug/19 23:46
Check out Goga Bitadze's path from emerging as EuroLeague Rising Star in his rookie season in the competition to...
30/Jul/19 07:30
A special episode of EuroLeague Rooks featuring Goga Bitadze is set to premier on August 5th.
04/Jul/19 12:32
Henüz Temmuz ayının başındayız ama NBA şimdiden Avrupalı oyuncuları çalmaya başladı.
02/Jul/19 21:23
Several names have left the Old Continent for the NBA this summer and the list keeps growing!