Joel Bolomboy
17/Jan/19 20:54
Un gran último cuarto salvó a un irregular CSKA.
17/Jan/19 19:59
Thanks to a stellar last period, the "Army Team" beat feisty Bayern Munich in Moscow.
10/Dec/18 20:03
Joel Bolomboy ve CSKA müthiş bir ikinci yarıyla Enisey'e karşı VTB Ligi'nin zirvesinde kusursuz kaldı.
10/Dec/18 19:39
Joel Bolomboy and CSKA put on a furious second half against Enisey staying perfect at the top of VTB...
19/Nov/18 22:02
All the necessary procedures have been dealt with and Joel Bolomboy is eligible to play for CSKA as well...
13/Nov/18 17:22
CSKA Moskova'nın yazın NBA'den kadrosuna kattığı Joel Bolomboy sonunda mesaiye başlıyor.
13/Nov/18 15:44
El ex jugador de la NBA ya es ruso y podrá debutar con el CSKA.
13/Nov/18 10:52
The former NBA player will get soon his Russian passport and he will be able to make his season...
15/Sep/18 12:31
Армейцы переиграли Банвит на пути в финал предсезонного турнира.
14/Sep/18 18:46
Joel Bolomboy was a force to be reckoned with inside the paint for CSKA.