Krasny Oktyabr
30/Aug/16 18:12
The VTB League officially announced that it Krasny Oktyabr sent a letter to the league, informing about its withdrawal...
30/Aug/16 18:12
VTB Ligi, Krasny Oktyabr'in ligden çekildiğine ilişkin bir mektup yolladığını açıkladı.
21/Jul/16 13:36
MZT Skopje, Lietkabelis Panezevys, Krasny Oktyabr and Fuenlabrada are the four teams that will join Eurocup in the upcoming...
17/Apr/16 18:24
They both needed some powerful individual performances to get what they wanted.
09/Apr/16 15:18
The club's future in VTB League is in danger now.
11/Mar/16 16:27
VTB Ligi'ndeki yüksek skorlu haftada favoriler ciddi rakiplerle karşılaştı ancak maçın sonunda kazanmayı başardılar.
11/Mar/16 16:27
Lots of prolific scoring games yesterday's VTB League where some major favorites faced some serious opposition, but managed to...
14/Feb/16 18:59
A day that was fitting for some quite prolific scoring... with a specific player throwing no less than 40...
07/Feb/16 19:33
Initially it looked like we would experience scenarios with a predictable outcome during this Week in VTB League, yet once specific...
09/Dec/15 21:30
Eurocup 9. hafta mücadelesinde Galatasaray Odeabank evinde ağırladığı Krasny Oktyabr'i 103-76 ile geçti.