Nicolas Batum
13/Oct/22 16:57
Deneyimli forvet Nicolas Batum, kariyerindeki zorlu süreçlerden bahsetti.
13/Oct/22 12:04
Dealing with the death of his father and the impact on his career in the NBA, Nicolas Batum reveals...
01/Jul/22 01:39
Nicolas Batum opted out of his contract with the Clippers just to be able to sign with them a...
01/Jul/22 01:25
Clippers, Fransız oyuncuyu kadrosunda tuttu.
30/Jun/22 17:43
Estos ocho europeos han demostrado su valía en la NBA y muy probablemente tendrán otra oportunidad en la liga...
30/Jun/22 17:19
Eight Europeans that have proven themselves in the NBA and will very likely get another chance in the league...
21/Jun/22 17:15
El francés no ejecutará su opción de jugador de cara la próxima temporada para firmar un nuevo contrato con...
21/Jun/22 15:22
Experienced French forward Nicolas Batum will opt out of his contract with the Los Angeles Clippers and become an...
25/May/22 13:14
Los Angeles Clippers'ın Fransız forveti Nicolas Batum, dikkat çekici açıklamalarda bulundu.
16/Apr/22 10:34
Poco después de que su temporada terminara, el jugador francés habló sobre la opción que tiene de seguir con...