12/Sep/19 16:52
The Czech Republic keeps reaching new milestones
10/Sep/19 20:40
Spanien bucht das zweite Ticket fürs Halbfinale und Ricky Rubio schreibt WM-Geschichte.
10/Sep/19 17:36
Poland will settle for a spot between 5th in 8th in the 2019 FIBA World Cup.
10/Sep/19 16:47
One Australian or Czech step left for the Spaniards ahead of World Cup final.
08/Sep/19 20:45
Spanien und Argentinien bleiben ungeschlagen.
08/Sep/19 19:58
Spain and Argentina continue unbeaten.
08/Sep/19 15:40
Argentina heads to the FIBA World Cup quarterfinals undefeated.
07/Sep/19 08:14
Few expected Poland to march through tough competition in the 2019 FIBA World Cup.
06/Sep/19 20:54
Второй раунд стартовал порцией матчей, которые сразу поставили точку в борьбе за плей-офф в ряде групп.
06/Sep/19 19:10
The Second Round has just started but four squads have already secured a place in the FIBA World Cup...