13/Сен/17 19:53
После 20 минут тотального контроля в исполнении Греции, Россия перехватила инициативу и обеспечила себе билет в полуфинал Евробаскета-2017.
13/Сен/17 19:38
For 20 minutes Greece was in control, but when Alexey Shved finally found room to operate, Russia managed to...
13/Сен/17 15:49
One Eurobasket semifinal couple is already decided and the second one will be known today near Istanbul's midnight.
13/Сен/17 10:55
Rusya'dan Nikita Kurbanov yarı final yolunda Yunanistan'la rakip olmayı beklemediğini açık yüreklilikle ifade etti.
13/Сен/17 08:53
Russia's Nikita Kurbanov expected a different opponent than Greece in the tournament's semifinals.
11/Сен/17 12:36
Andrey Kirilenko, the president of the Russian basketball federation, talks about the past of the Greek against Russia games,...
11/Сен/17 08:38
Rusya, EuroBasket 2017'nin çeyrek finalinde Yunanistan ile Olympiakos'un 2012'de CSKA'yı mağlup ettiği salonda karşı karşıya gelecek. Dmitry Kulagin'e de...
10/Сен/17 23:17
Russia will face Greece in the gym where Olympiacos beat CSKA Moscow in 2012 and when Dmitry Kulagin, a...
10/Сен/17 23:16
Andrey Vorontsevich praised Alexey Shved's incredible performances, his ability to adapt, play defense and become... less "selfish"
10/Сен/17 22:30
It was a close game decided on details. However, when all was said and done, Russia prevailed over Croatia...