06/Apr/16 21:21
Eurocup yarı final mücadelesinde ilk maçı kendi evinde 68-74 kaybeden Strasbourg, Aquila Basket Trento'yu deplasmanda 78-86 mağlup ederek adını...
04/Apr/16 22:58
Strasbourg's defeat pushed them back to second place.
04/Apr/16 22:58
Monaco'nun deplasmanda Orthez'i yenip Strasbourg'un evinde Nanterre'ye yenilmesi ile Fransa'nın zirvesi bir kez daha el değiştirdi.
04/Apr/16 22:58
Monaco hat einen Sieg gegen Orthez, Strasbourg wird zuhause geschlagen und weitere Ergebnisse der ProA 25. Spieltag.
29/Mar/16 22:12
Big win for Trento against Strasbourg in France and with a solid difference ahead of the second semifinal
26/Mar/16 23:38
In total contrast with what took place during the previous week in the French Pro A, this time all...
23/Mar/16 23:37
In a late-thriller in France, the match between Strasbourg and Nizhny Novgorod ended in a draw in double overtime...
23/Mar/16 23:37
Fransa'da Strasbourg ve Nizhny Novgorod arasındaki heyecan dolu mücadele iki uzatma sonucunda eşitlikle sona erirken (91-91), Fransa takımı, toplamdaki...
19/Mar/16 23:40
By Eurohoops team/ Not a pretty day to be a hosting team in the French Pro A. In...
19/Mar/16 23:40
In den heutigen acht Spiele schlugen alle Gastmannschaften ihre Gegner zuhause und einige von ihnen erhöhten sich in...