Thomas Scrubb
02/Jul/24 16:48
Plenty of signings across teams preparing for the Regular Season and the Qualification Rounds of the Basketball Champions League
19/Jul/23 16:45
Eric Washington, Rigoberto Mendoza y Artem Pustovyi han sido los primeros en llegar
05/Jul/23 10:53
The ACB clubs have registered seven players on the list subject to the right of first refusal
19/Jul/22 13:16
Thomas y Phill Scrubb seguirán en Galicia tras renovar para la temporada 2022-23
14/Jul/21 18:21
Monbus Obradoiro strengthens ACB squad with Canadian forward Thomas Scrubb
10/Jul/21 10:29
Scrubb is moving from France and JL Bourg to Spain with Obradoiro
10/Jul/21 00:44
El equipo gallego continúa perfilando su plantilla para la próxima temporada.