02/Jul/19 11:22
Brock Motum moves to Valencia.
01/Jul/19 22:39
El escolta del Valencia Basket jugará en los Toronto Raptors.
01/Jul/19 21:24
Valencia'ya NBA'den kötü bir haber var.
01/Jul/19 21:19
The Valencia guard is ready to join forces with the defending NBA champions.
01/Jul/19 17:39
El Barça y Kevin Pangos negocian la rescisión del contrato que les une.
01/Jul/19 12:59
Valencia, gelecek sezon için iddialı bir kadro kurmak istiyor.
01/Jul/19 12:50
Barcelona and Pangos are discussing a contract termination arrangement.
30/Jun/19 12:46
Valencia, Sergio Rodriguez'i kadrosuna katarak EuroLeague transfer gündemine bomba gibi düşecek bir hamle planlıyor.
30/Jun/19 12:09
Valencia is looking to drop a big bomb into the transfer market with Sergio Rodriguez.
30/Jun/19 11:59
El base tinerfeño aún espera conocer si el CSKA cuenta con él para la próxima temporada.