19/Jan/16 23:52
The third round of Eurocup's Last 32 started with four games on Tuesday night, as Limoges made an amazing...
19/Jan/16 23:52
Eurocup son 32 turunun 3. haftası Salı günü oynanan 4 maçla başlarken Limoges muhteşem bir performansla Valencia’yı deplasmanda 72-92...
19/Jan/16 23:52
La tercera jornada de los dieciseisavos de la Eurocopa comenzó la noche del martes con cuatro partidos con el...
17/Jan/16 16:29
We do not know how the season will end for the "Bats", yet they stuff they accomplish now look...
17/Jan/16 16:29
ACB'deki CAI Zaragoza galibiyetinin ardından "Bats" 28-0'lık bir galibiyet serisine sahip.
17/Jan/16 16:29
Si hay un equipo que ha ganado casi la aclamación paneuropea durante esta temporada, es el Valencia
14/Jan/16 13:39
The Spaniards are still unbeaten from the start of the season with a 27-0 total record and they are...
14/Jan/16 13:39
El año cambió de 2015 a 2016, pero la espectacular racha del Valencia Basket sigue sin romper. El equipo...
14/Jan/16 13:39
2015 yılı bitti ve 2016 yılı başladı ama Valencia'nın muhteşem formu devam ediyor. İspanyol ekibi sezon başından bu yana...
10/Jan/16 22:57
Valencia's amazing run continues as the Spanish club has a 15-0 record in its domestic league and a total...