vanja marinkovic
22/Jul/19 16:36
Vanja Marinkovic está cerca de debutar en la Euroliga.
22/Jul/19 15:54
Vanja Marinkovic is en route to playing in EuroLeague next season.
21/Jul/19 08:33
Unicaja Malaga, Vanja Marinkovic için buyout ödemeye hazır.
20/Jul/19 18:48
El Unicaja Málaga tiene que pagar 200.000 que es su 'buyout' para poder ficharlo.
20/Jul/19 17:29
Malaga must pay a buyout to Partizan to acquire the player.
23/Jun/19 14:36
Vanja Marinkovic'in 2019-20 sezonunda Partizan'la sözleşmesi var. Ama aklı NBA ve Sacramento Kings'de.
23/Jun/19 13:33
The NBA and the Sacramento Kings have been on Vanja Marinkovic’s mind.
21/Jun/19 11:31
The GM of the Sacramento Kings, Vlade Divas, hopes to add Vanja Marinkovic to his team’s squad.
18/Jun/19 17:51
After a couple of seasons of playing professional basketball with Partizan, Vanja Marinkovic will test his NBA Draft chances.
14/Jun/19 20:06
Los griegos tienen al joven base serbio en su lista de posibles fichajes.