Virtus Bologna
05/Feb/18 10:11
The top club competition in Europe is currently in the 61st season of its existence, while it counts 21...
25/Jan/18 16:27
The Italian Federation reduced Alessandro Gentile's penalty.
14/Jan/18 10:47
Manuchar Markoishvili'nin muhteşem şut attığı gecede Virtus evinde Reggio Emilia'yı mağlup etti.
13/Jan/18 22:45
Despite Manuchar Markoishvili's superb shooting night, Virtus took down Reggio Emilia at home.
26/Dec/17 17:41
Alessandro Gentile'nin Virtus Bologna'daki yeniden doğuş hikayesi tüm heybetiyle devam ediyor.
26/Dec/17 17:22
Alessandro Gentile has been "reborn" in Virtus Bologna.
06/Nov/17 09:26
İtalya Ligi'nde 6. hafta dün (5 Kasım) oynanan maçlarla tamamlandı.
05/Nov/17 22:53
Brescia continues as the only undefeated team in Legabasket after Round 6
16/Oct/17 22:55
We have reached the third day of Lega A, where three teams remain unbeaten.
15/Oct/17 09:34
Alessandro Gentile gümbür gümbür geri geliyor!