Year: 2012

Μέσα ο Κιθ, έξω ο Μαλίκ

02/Jul/12 18:17
Ο Ιούλιος ξεκίνησε εντυπωσιακά στο Μιλάνο, όπου ο Κιθ Λάνγκφορντ θα συνεχίσει την καριέρα του, ενώ ο Μαλίκ Χέιρστον...

Langford in, Hairston out

02/Jul/12 18:01
July started with a bang in Milan, where Keith Langford will continue his career, while Malik Hairston is rumored...

Εποχή Πεδουλάκη στον ΠΑΟ

02/Jul/12 17:28
Οι Πράσινοι για πρώτη φορά μετά το 1997 εμπιστεύονται Έλληνα προπονητή και αυτός είναι ο Αργύρης Πεδουλάκης, ένας από...

Pedoulakis’ era at PAO

02/Jul/12 17:26
The Greens for the first time since 1997 are trusting their bench to a Greek coach and he is...

Europeans have to be careful

02/Jul/12 01:10
The FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament is ready to start at Caracas, Venezuela, and the four European teams are the...

“Next season I will rest”

30/Jun/12 21:56
Obradovic confirmed during his presence in the Greek coaches association clinic in Salonika that he will not coach any...