Rio Breogan addresses Ben McLemore situation

By Eurohoops team/

Rio Breogan issued an announcement regarding Ben McLemore’s arrest for alleged sex crimes in Oregon, Portland during a break he took to leave Spain under club permission.

Per Breogan:

From CB Breogan, we inform that, regarding the news published about the player Ben E. McLemore, we are waiting to receive detailed legal information from the player’s legal representatives. This is intended to know his judicial situation, since the American legal system, and that of the federal state of Oregon in particular, are different from the Spanish one. Therefore, it is not possible to make direct comparisons to procedurally equivalent situations in Spain.

Last week, the player requested permission from the Club for a court appearance in his country of origin, without detailing the exact content of the case. According to his representatives, this appearance would allow him to return to Spain within the next 72 hours. However, at the date of writing, we must wait to obtain detailed legal information to make any value judgment with guarantees.

From the Club, we express our strongest condemnation of acts of violence of any kind. We always respect the presumption of innocence, but at the same time, we reaffirm our commitment to the prevention, education and punishment of these unacceptable behaviors. This collective responsibility has been promoted both by the entity and by the Breogán Foundation, developing actions and values that help every day to build a better society.

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