Eurohoops fantasy update for 9th week

By Eurohoops team/

Αradori got injured before Cantu’s last Euroleague game and a lot of fantasy users left without one of the most expensive players. Next to his absent, Brown, Bilan and Tabu gave poor scores and Andersen’s bet was unsuccessful. So, Eurohoopsnet team collected after a long time less than 100 points (98,3 exactly). The decision about the… departures is easy. Aradori because of his injury, Andersen cause he was a wrong choice and Bilan -after thanking him for the points and the 14 credits- because he faces Olympiacos, the best defense in Euroleague for this moment. Tabu has the chance to bounce back and Brown proved in his last league’s game that he’s hot and will produce again great numbers.

The big bet for this week is Malik Hairston (photo). Since Keith Langford presence in the game is doubtful and Milan wants desperately wins until the end, he’s a must. Also, Viktor Khryapa is one of the players who fill all their stat line, so he is a sure shot. Finally Luka Zoric will give for sure some credits –as one of the last underestimated players- and can help a lot. 

There also, more good players to chose from this week like Marcus Banks and Daniel Hackett in point guard position, Kostas Papanikolaou, Kristjan Kangur and Mike Bramos in perimeter and Giannis Bourousis, Drew Gordon, Nikola Mirotic, Giorgos Printezis among big guys.

Point Guards

Jordan Farmar 74,7 credits (+3,16)

He bounced back against Cedevita and is expected to produce against Caja Laboral also, a team with not the strongest of defenses.  

Bobby Brown 75,9 credits (+0,3)

He’s not underestimated any more after his last score (1). But he’s still hot and can come back to his great numbers. Before his last match against Unicaja he had 26 rpg. 

Shooting Guards/Small Forwards

Vassilis Spanoulis 78 credits (-0,46)

If you have the MVP of the previous month and his team still have to win, you have to keep him. 

Blake Schilb 67,16 credits (+8,76)

Chalon doesn’t have a motivation to win Siena, but Schilb knows that he has two more chances to show his abilities in the top level. And will make the most of it. 

Malik Hairston 38,2 credits

He does everything in the court and if Langford won’t play he will have more chances for shots, assists and rebounds.

Jonathan Tabu 24,6 credits (+3,2)

He will play a lot again and he is still underestimated. Of course, he should play better than his last week’s -4. 

Power Forwards/Centers

Stephane Lasme 66,23 credits (+2,23)

Sofo returns to the action, but the African center is strong enough to keep his minutes and continue to give points.

Viktor Khryapa 65,9 credits

He’s choice is… money in the bank. He gives every week double digit rankings and even though CSKA has already qualified, he will play a lot of minutes.

Shawn James 61,8 credits (+8)

Maccabi wants to finish on top and Shawn James will not rest even if Prokom doesn’t worry David Blatt a lot.

Luka Zoric 38 credits

After his great last performance (33 ranking) his cost is underestimated. He is in good shape, will give 5,7 credits by a score bigger than 7,5 and the game against Alba suits him.

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