Big Sofo in trouble

By Niki Bakouli/

Sofoklis Shortsanitis left the court, eight minutes into Panathinaikos’ game vs. Khimki, limping on right foot. One day later he explained the obvious: he had a relapse at his plantar fasciitis (he faces the danger of total rupture), after he asked to play at his own risk, despite what Panathinaikos’ doctors suggested to him.

“I should take more time to recover, but now it’s irrelevant”, he said at ERA Sport (Greek national radio), while adding: “I have to get better, as soon as possible and help my team, at Top16. It’s not an easy injury. It can restrict you big time. Our trainer together with our coaches have already got with a special program for me, till we all find out which exactly is my problem and have the appropriate treatment”

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