“The best of all time”

By Rigas Dardalis/ Dardalis@eurohoops.net

Τhe main menu of Friday in Houston’s NBA All Star Game wasn’t the Rising Starts game in which “Team Chuck” of Barkley demolished “Team Shaq” 163-135, with Kenneth Faried being the MVP (40 p. 10 r.) and European flavor by Ricky Rubio (5 p., 10 as.), Alexey Shved (12 p.) and Nikola Vucevic (15 p.).

A lot more reporters preferred to visit Houston’s Hilton hotel and specially one little corner of it that looked like a hive. Journalists from all over the world had surrounded Lebron James, recording his quotes and he didn’t disappoint. The best player of the NBA was in talking mood and after winning last year’s championship, he wants more.

“I want to be the best player of all time”, “King” James said, who was asked repeatedly if he can be compared to Michael Jordan. “I don’t have any problem being compared to him. I prefer it in comparison to being compared to someone who hasn’t done anything in his career”, he said and you can see the video with his answers.

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