Pops to Galata, Markoishvili injured

By Nikos Varlas/ varlas@eurohoops.net

The medical situation of Nate Jawai is under control and the player is expected to be released from the hospital soon. However the ambitions of his team, Galatasaray, and a heavy schedule in TBL and Euroleague obliged the Turkish club to sign an extra front line player.

Coach Ergin Ataman decided to add a familiar face in his roster by signing 30 years old English center Pops Mensah Bonsu. After being cut by Washington Wizards the Turkish club announced his signing with a temporary contract. The player has a great season under coach Ataman back in 2011-12 when they won 3 titles with Besiktas. The current roster of Galatasaray also includes his former Besiktas teammates Arroyo, Erceg and Dudley.

UPDATE: As it was confirmed by team official Murat Ozyer in Turkish TV station NTV Spor Mensah Bonsu will be used only in Euroleague games until the health situation of Nate Jawai is cleared up. Then it will be decided if there is a need for the Australian center to be permanently replaced. The real bad news for the team are that also Manuchar Markoishvili was injured during practice (torn tendon in his leg), he will miss at least the next three months and as Ozyer said he is in danger of missing the rest of the season. As a result, Galatasaray will have to sign one more player.

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