Former Siena players under investigation

By Aris Barkas/

Every player signed with Siena from 2006 until 2012 is under investigation from the Italian financial police and “Corriere Di Bologna” published today the list of the names whose contracts are included in the evidences of operation “time out“.

Those are more than known players of European basketball: Ksistof Lavrinovic, Rimantas Kaukenas, Shaun Stonerook, Romain Sato, Benjamin Eze, Bo McCalebb, Henry Domercant, Nikos Zisis, Vlado Ilievski, Bootsy Thornton, David Moss, Malik Hairston, David Andersen, David Hawkins, Milovan Rakovic, Viktor Sanikidze and Igor Rakocevic.

In total 25 players were under investigations, but in eight cases the tax evasion involved were amounts that under Italian laws don’t constitute a crime. All those players will have to report to Italian tax authorities with Lavrinovic being in bigger trouble as 2,49 million euros from his payments were “hidden”.

According to “Corriere Dello Sport” report, the investigation of the Italian financial police included intercepted phone conversations and e-mails, one involving American agent Eric Fleisher and the “image rights” contract of his client Bo McCalebb.

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