Acie Law released from Olympiacos

By Nikos Varlas/

Acie Law returned to Greece in order to be medically examined by Olympiacos and that trip proved to be the end of the road for him with the Reds. The Greek club decided to use the opt out clause in his contract and Law is now a free agent.

The deadline for Olympiacos in order to use the release clause expired today and the Reds parted ways with one player who had a key role in winning the two back to back Euroleague titles and the Greek championship on 2012. Law is almost fully paid for last season and now he is also expected to get a buy out fee, becoming officially a free agent.

As for his view on the matter and his future plans, check back Eurohoops in a few days for an exclusive interview which is coming soon.

UPDATE: Olympiacos confirmed the release of Acie Law and also announced the expected release of Slovenian center Mirza Begic who was inactive for most of the season.

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