Gavel out for Bayern, doubts for Granger

2014-11-10T23:06:31+00:00 2014-11-10T23:12:35+00:00.

Aris Barkas

10/Nov/14 23:06

The problems are piling up for Bayern Munich. The team which still waits for the season debut of captain Bryce Taylor, lost also Anton Gavel due to an ankle injury. Question marks also for Djedovic and Unicaja’s Granger

By Stathis Trapezanlidis/

The problems are piling up for Bayern Munich. The team which still waits for the season debut of captain Bryce Taylor, lost also Anton Gavel due to an ankle injury. The experienced guard was hurt in the game against Alba and the injury may keep him out of action for four weeks.

Also Nihad Djedovic due to a groin injury may miss this week’s Euroleague contest and the same may happen with Unicaja‘s Jayson Granger because of a left foot injury, suffered in the loss by Juventut.
