Last chances in the market of fantasy

By Lefteris Moutis/

Many players ask: “When should a fantasy player care more about the score and not the credits?”. It depends! But from now on there aren’t big chances to raise the value of your team. There are few exceptions, of course, like Jaycee Caroll and San Van Rossom who we bought.

If you have more than 580 credits you are in a good path and if you have more than 610-620 you doing excellent because you can buy from now on many expensive players.

Before going on analyzing Eurohoopsnet team, it’s wise to suggest some players in every position. Among the point guards, Pargo, Draper, Ukic, Van Rossom and Diamantidis are good options. In the perimeter Goudelock, Kuzminskas, Spanoulis, Bjelica, Micov, Anderson, Carroll, Preldzic, Bertans and Martinez are expected to have good performance. In the front line there are many players who are really attractive. Marjanovic, Kulig, McLean, Kaun, Randle, Tomic, Aldemir, Haragondy, Dubljevic, Kaimakoglou and Zoric distinguish.

Last week Eurohoopsnet team had a good score (143,7 points) but it was an extremely good week for our credits because we won 53,5! Now we have available 649 and it’s now the time to think for the credits and the score.

Nihad Djedovic is the first player who we will sell due to his injury. The second one is Mustafa Shakur who isn’t so steady and though he’s the only American in a team with limited talent, he doesn’t score a lot. We have 93,7 credits and two gaps in our roster. Without any further thoughts we buy San Van Rossom in the point guard position. In every game he scores more and has bigger ranking. Buycks left, Van Rossom will play and shoot more and the game versus the weakest team in the group is a good chance for him to keep having big scores. Our second pick is Jaycee Carroll. He’s exactly the type of the player who the fantasy fans hate to add because he gets points only by shooting. But he’s heavily underpriced. He ‘ll have a limit up (and we give you 7 credits) even if he has -3,2 ranking. It’s a pick for 1-2 weeks but it’s worthy.

Our last change will be Mardy Collins for James Anderson. The player of Turow is not underpriced anymore and it’s better to buy the American forward of Zalgiris who impresses during last weeks. Anderson faces Sassari, a team which isn’t famous for its defense and he is expected to have one more great night.

Enjoy fantasy!

Point Guards

Jeremy Pargo 72,7 credits (+9,5)
San Van Rossom 46 credits

Shooting Guards/Small Forwards
Mindaugas Kuzminskas 70 credits (+9,2)
James Anderson 59,5 credits
Vladimir Jankovic 55,1 credits (+1,9)
Jaycee Carroll 45,9 credits

Power Forwards/Centers
Boban Marjanovic 94,7 credits (+11,1)
Andrey Vorontsevich 73,5 credits (+9,6)
Brian Randle 66,9 credits (+8,7)
Luka Mitrovic 48,6 credits (+7)

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