Green offer to Vougioukas, Kaimaikoglou

2012-06-18T21:20:24+00:00 2012-06-21T20:36:40+00:00.

Aris Barkas

18/Jun/12 21:20

Panathinaikos is still searching for a coach, but the Greens don’t want to loose their Greek players. That’s why two members of the national team, Ian Vougioukas and Kostas Kaimakoglou are offered half a million euros each

By Aris Barkas/

Ian Vougioukas and Kostas Kaimakoglou are training with the Greek national team, but they are also free agents. That’s why Panathinaikos is moving fast in order to renew their contracts and made them an offer after their return from Lithuania, where they played in a preparation tournament last week end.

The Greens don’t have a coach yet (even though there are rumors about Svetislav Pesic) but their need for quality Greek players is without question. That’s why they offered about 500.000 euros per season to each of those two player. Both Vougioukas and Kaimakoglou proved last season they can be important members of the team and this is their pay off. The deal is not done yet with either of the two, but the offer seems to satisfy them. So, it should be no surprise. if there will be any official announcement in the following days.
