Heurtel will return in 10 days

By Nikos Varlas/ varlas@eurohoops.net

The Thomas Heurtal serial is coming to an end. According to Eurohoops sources the French guard is ready to travel the following days to Istanbul in order to join Anadolu Efes, as the deal between the two sides which was completed days ago. The deal is finalized by all the sides and the official announcements will come very soon.

It remains to be seen if Josean Querejeta managed to get a little bit more in the buy out from Efes or not. Still, Heurtel will be present in Vitoria in the 2nd of January, however he will be there as an opponent of Laboral Kutxa and a new member of Anadolu Efes in his Euroleague debut with the Turkish team! Yes, life is strange sometimes and it will be interesting to see how the crowd of Fernando Buesa Arena will welcome back the French guard. It will be a night to remember for both sides.

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