“I have talked with Olympiacos”

2012-10-02T18:16:06+00:00 2012-10-03T23:40:28+00:00.

Aris Barkas

02/Oct/12 18:16


Vasilis Spanoulis revealed that he has already discussed with Olympiacos the subject of his new contract and criticized with harsh words the fact that nobody knows for sure if the Greek league will start according to its schedule…

By Nikos Varlas/ varlas@eurohoops.net

Next summer, Vasilis Spanoulis will enjoy his free agency. Or not? Already, there are rumors about plenty of suitors for his services with Toronto Raptors being on top of the list. Today the Greek media had the chance to talk to him (at the joined press conference of the coaches and the captains of all HEBA’s teams) and he had the chance to clarify few things.

As he said: “I have already talked with Olympiacos, which has the priority on the matter. We have already had a discussion and the only thing i can say, to this point, is first i am going to hear what Olympiacos will have to say”.

The Greek league is about to start (or at least this is what is supposed to happen), this weekend. However, on Wednesday it will be decided if the season will start according to its schedule, or if the clubs will postpone the tip off. The teams are not happy with the current offer for the league’s TV rights from the national broadcasting company.

“Kill Bill” said on this matter: “We are here, at the press conference, without knowing if we are going to play this weekend. It’s unacceptable and in this way, the league which has the last two European Champions is been deteriorate even further. We don’t even have even one special television show about basketball. We are about to start our games in Euroleague, without playing even one game in Greece. It’s unthinkable not starting the league. I am not responsible for this. The ones they are, they have to find the solution. The only sure thing is there isn’t a lower point for Greek League. So, they have to stop underestimating it”.
