Basketball rules are changing

By Niki Bakouli/

This weekend was more than important for global basketball. FIBA’s Techical Comission met in Singapore in order to discuss changes in FIBA rules which will move the sport towards the goal of global rules unification. Those changes are typically considered proposals that will need the ratification of FIBA’s Central Board, however this seems to be just a formality.

When FIBA’s central board approves the changes, then they will be presented officially to the general public, however as Eurohoops had previously reported those changes are pushing the FIBA game closer to the NBA rules set.

UPDATE (1): According to the latest informations the new rules that have been proposed are the following:

  • After an offensive rebound, the shot clock will reset to 14 seconds and not 24.
  • The penalty for a technical foul will be only one free throw and not two and the possession of the ball.
  • After two technical fouls the coach or the player will be ejected.
  • The no charge area under the basket becomes universal.
  • During the last two minutes of the game every team will have the right to call time out only two times.

Due to technical issues the three points line will remain in 6,75 m. and the court will not become wider. Also the jump ball will not return in every competition, but it may be adopted by the Euroleague instead of the arrow which now defines the possession of the ball. The new changes are expected to be implemented by the 1st of October 2014.

UPDATE (2): On the 21st of June, FIBA announced officially the rules changes and here is the press release.


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