Hanga close to a 4-years deal with Kutxa

2013-06-11T19:24:57+00:00 2013-06-13T15:33:14+00:00.

Aris Barkas

11/Jun/13 19:24


Adam Hanga is under contract with Manresa, but he has a buy out and Laboral Kutxa is close to a 4-years deal with the Hungarian guard. The club from Vitoria is negotiating with Manresa in order to complete the transaction

By Niki Bakouli/ bakouli@eurohoops.net

After two seasons in Manresa, Adam Hanga will probably take the next step with a Euroleague team. The Hungarian guard is close to a 4-years deal with Laboral Kutxa. He is under contract with Manresa and Laboral Kutxa has to pay the buy out in order to get him and the negotiations between all sides are still ongoing.

If this happens, everyone involved with the deal would be happy with they way things will turn out. Probably even the San Antonio Spurs. The Spurs are keeping Hanga’s NBA rights after picking him in number 59 of the 2011 draft. There is a long tradition of European players being polished in the city of Vitoria, the home of Laboral Kutxa, dating back to Fabricio Oberto, Andres Nocioni – who returned to the Spanish team last Spring – Luis Scola, more recently Tiaggo Splitter and Pablo Prigioni, even if his case is unique.
