Perasovic’s complains and exit

By Aris Barkas/

The defeat by Czech Republic was also the end of coach Velimir Perasovic’s tenure in the Croatian national team. The Croatian coach whose contract with the team practically ends now, since the chance to get to Rio Olympics is lost, admitted that he is ready to leave and offered his resignation to the Croatian federation.

“I am done”, he said to Croatian media after the end of the press conference, while on Saturday he has voiced his complains for the way the teams of Group C traveled from Zagreb to Lille: “I’m disapponted with FIBA decision according which the Greeks travel with their own charter flight on Friday, while others Georgia, us & Slovenia had to travel with FIBA’s charter in the middle of night. Greece got an additional rest night, while we still haven’t recovered from the trip. Are those 3 teams really worth less than the Greek national team?” It has to be noted that Greece is traveling with its own charter plane, paid by a sponsorship deal with a Greek airlines company.

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