EuroLeague Officials send congratulatory letter to Dejan Bodiroga

2022-09-20T15:42:44+00:00 2022-09-20T15:42:44+00:00.

Antonis Stroggylakis

20/Sep/22 15:42

The EuroLeague Officials Union congratulated Dejan Bodiroga and Mashall Glickman and also thanked now former CEO Jordi Bertomeu.

By Eurohoops team /

The Union of EuroLeague Basketball Officials (UEBO) sent a congratulatory letter to Dejan Bodiroga and Mashall Glickman for their appointment as President/Director and CEO of EuroLeague Basketball respectively.

The letter is as follows:

Mr Dejan Bodiroga, Mr Mashall Glickman,

UEBO and its members would like to congratulate you both on being appointed as the New President and CEO of Euroleague Basketball.

We all acknowledge how thrilling it is to perform in the Euroleague, which is the most prestigious basketball league in Europe, with the most breathtaking players and the most eminent coaches. Our group of referees made outstanding headway with your predecessor, Mr. Bertomeu, who we would like to deeply thank for his fruitful collaboration over the years.

We look forward to working with you both as we see your leadership and craftsmanship as a tremendous opportunity to lead our group of referees to new heights.

We are adamant that an active collaboration between you and UEBO will elevate us all, and will undoubtedly allow us to work serenely in order to perform at the highest level all the more since we understand how challenging officiating is and how decisive and unwavering we have to be on the court.

Please accept our most sincere congratulations for that assignment.

On behalf of UEBO,

UEBO President

Sreten Radović
