Nikola Mirotic reportedly in talks with Monaco

2024-06-21T02:00:33+00:00 2024-06-21T02:07:25+00:00.

Aris Barkas

21/Jun/24 02:00

Nikola Mirotic is presented to be talking with Monaco, despite having a contract with Milan

By Eurohoops team/

Just hours after the unexpected release of Nicolo Melli by Milan, another member of the Italian club’s front line may be leaving. According to French outlet “Tribune 47” Nikola Mirotic was some days ago in Monaco and met with a delegation of the local club.

The 33-year-old former NBA player has a contract with Milan for next season, but he may leave, probably with some compensation to the team.

Mirotic averaged 16,9 points and 5,7 rebounds in last season’s EuroLeague, however, he couldn’t save a lost season for Milan, plagued by injuries and mediocre results.

It’s unclear if Milan is willing to part ways with the player without getting paid a buyout, or if the club has decided to turn the page and it’s willing to release Mirotic.

Last summer, Mirotic was one of the most coveted players in Europe, after the decision of Barcelona to release him due to financial reasons, and he ended up signing with Milan, despite being rumored among others as a Monaco target.

