24/Feb/16 14:52

Who are the best gamers in Euroleague?

24 Feb 2016 2016-02-24T14:53:57+00:00.

Antonis Stroggylakis

- 24 Feb 2016


By Eurohoops team/ info@eurohoops.net

This time in its weekly quiz, Euroleague poses a simple question to the stars of the competition: Who is the top gamer in your team?

Playing video games is a common hobby among basketball players (and not only, of course) since it is a perfect way to relax after a long practice, a tough game, or spend time during trips.

As you can see for yourself… whether it is a sports, car – racing, or an adventure type of game, the Euroleague players know their way around video games. Some… more than others.
