Panathinaikos or Oregon with Dorsey

2015-07-06T16:13:12+00:00 2015-07-06T16:13:12+00:00.

Aris Barkas

06/Jul/15 16:13

Giorgos Papagiannis completed his obligations with the U19 national team in the world cup and within the week, Thursday the latest, he will be deciding about his future

By Nikos Varlas/

Giorgos Papagiannis completed his obligations with the U19 national team in the world cup and within the week, Thursday the latest, he will be deciding about his future. One serious version is to continue his career at Panathinaikos with the three-year contract that was agreed upon last summer.

The other version is to return to the USA and play in the NCAA. According to reports, the college that in the last few days has entered the bid for his acquisition in quite a serious way and looks at the whole deal very favorably, is Oregon. If he decides to go there, he will be Tyler Dorsey’s teammate. The other three colleges that have made an offer but don’t have many chances of persuading him are Saint John’s, North Carolina State and Kentucky.

In Panathinaikos they have discussed matters with the player and they have explained to him that they are considering him for an enhanced role and more playing minutes compared to last year, something that the plan presented to him by the University of Oregon also guarantees him.
