Euroleague met with the domestic leagues

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By Eurohoops team/

Euroleague met today in Barcelona with ULEB and the main domestic leagues of Europe, which included the Adriatic league, German BEKO BBL, Turkish Superleague, Greek HEBA, Italian Legabasket, Lithuanian LKL, French LNB, Polish league and United basketball league VTB.

As Euroleague announced via a press release the domestic leagues representatives “were presented with the latest developments in European professional clubs’ basketball competitions. They received further details on the recently announced agreement between Euroleague Basketball and IMG for the evolution of the two principal European club competitions, the Turkish Airlines Euroleague and the Eurocup, as well as the joint exploitation of its commercial rights.

All parties agreed on having further conversations on the matter in the upcoming weeks to receive final feedback and concrete proposals from the Domestic Leagues on important issues such as access to both competitions. These will be shared after the Domestic Leagues have consulted with their respective clubs”.

The main issue is which leagues will get a direct ticket for their champion in Euroleague’s regular season – three spots are allocated to the domestic leagues – and which leagues will get a spot in the eight teams qualifying round.

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