Ricky Rubio thanks everyone for their support in his grief

2016-05-27T17:59:04+00:00 2016-05-27T18:06:11+00:00.

Aris Barkas

27/May/16 17:59

Ρίκι, Ρούμπιο

Ricky Rubio’s mother, Tona Vives, has died after a long battle with lung cancer and today the Spanish star of the Timberwolves felt the need to thank everyone for their support to his mourn

By Eurohoops team/ info@eurohoops.net

Ricky Rubio’s mother, Tona Vives, has died after a long battle with lung cancer and today the Spanish star of the Timberwolves felt the need to thank everyone for their support to his mourn.

As he wrote on instagram: “The last few days have been very hard and heartbreaking for me and my whole family, I’d like to thank you all for your support, love and thoughts.

I’d like to be there to thank you all in person but it won’t be possible. My mother was a genuine and one of a kind woman who, I’m sure, is going to take care of us as a star from now on. Thank you my friends for everything, a huge hug”.

Gràcies per agafar-me sempre de la mà i aixecar-me quan més ho necessitava. Estic molt fotut però tinc la teva fortalesa, i com tu vas fer, no deixaré de lluitar mai i sempre amb un somriure d'orella a orella. Amb tu s'envà part de mi, però part de tu es queda aqui amb mi, dins del meu cor. No sóc molt de paraules, però t'ho mereixes això i molt més. Et trobaré molt a faltar, però sé que des d'allà a dalt ens cuidaràs a tots com sempre ho has fet. Ets l'amor de la meva vida. T'estimo molt mama. ?

Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης Ricky Rubio (@ruuufio) στις