Red sarcasm and possible appeal

By Nikos Varlas/

The win of Olympiacos in Tel Aviv with Maccabi’s Planinic almost beating the clock gave the assist to the Reds president Panagiotis Aggelopoulos to go on the record about his discontent about the Euroleague’s independent disciplinary judge and his decision on the game against Siena. As Aggelopoulos said: “According to Euroleague’s judge ruling, we should also lose the game by Maccabi, because Planinic dunked the ball just 00.03 after the final buzzer. We will soon forget everything we know about basketball (ed. Note: because of rulings like this one)”.

It’s not a shocking quote, even if it’s a little bit bitter, but it also may be an omen for something more. Olympiacos still has the right to appeal the decision and it’s a thought that have crossed the minds of the team’s owners. It’s expected to be decided in the following hours, if this idea will become a reality.