Bayern on top, defeat for Brose Baskets

2014-04-26T14:49:45+00:00 2014-04-26T14:57:35+00:00.

Aris Barkas

26/Apr/14 14:49

In BEKO BBL the fight for the last play offs spot is still raging between Ludwigsburg and Mitteldeutscher. However the big news is that Brose Baskets was defeated at home by Oldenburg and has a 26-6 record, while Bayern is on top with 27-4

By Eurohoops team/

Two gamedays remain for the regular season end in BEKO BBL and the fight for the last play offs spot is still raging between Ludwigsburg (17-15) and Mitteldeutscher (16-16). However the big news is that Brose Baskets was defeated at home by Oldenburg (82-75) and has a 26-6 record, while Bayern is on top with a 27-4 record, having played one game less.

The rest of the 32nd gameday results are the following: Rasta Vechta – Fraport 75-76, Tubingen – Braunschweig 89-82, Bremerhaven – s.Oliver Baskets 72-75, Artland -Bonn 65-82, Hagen – Ulm 104-91, Trier – Alba Berlin 61-81, Bayern – Ludwigsburg 92-67, Mitteldeutscher – Bayreuth 66-90.
