Bayern on top, defeat for Brose Baskets

By Eurohoops team/

Two gamedays remain for the regular season end in BEKO BBL and the fight for the last play offs spot is still raging between Ludwigsburg (17-15) and Mitteldeutscher (16-16). However the big news is that Brose Baskets was defeated at home by Oldenburg (82-75) and has a 26-6 record, while Bayern is on top with a 27-4 record, having played one game less.

The rest of the 32nd gameday results are the following: Rasta Vechta – Fraport 75-76, Tubingen – Braunschweig 89-82, Bremerhaven – s.Oliver Baskets 72-75, Artland -Bonn 65-82, Hagen – Ulm 104-91, Trier – Alba Berlin 61-81, Bayern – Ludwigsburg 92-67, Mitteldeutscher – Bayreuth 66-90.

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