James White ready to dunk Houston

By Rigas Dardalis/ Dardalis@eurohoops.net

He is a “professional” dunker, since he has won dunk contests consecutively in Turkish league, in NBDL, in Russian Superleague and in ltalian legabasket. But James White is also an overall great pro, as he has no complaints to express for his lack of playing time with the Knicks. «I don’t care and I don’t complain. As long as we win, I am perfectly happy. Everybody wants to play, but it’s a joy to be in this team of New York».

A long time has passed but the 31year old forward didn’t hide his desire to play for Panathinaikos two years ago: “I don’t know if they were so serious, as I was to play for them”, was his initial comment to Eurohoops, when we talked with him London during the Knicks visit. “For some reason, it fell apart. I don’t know if they were serious, it just didn’t work out. But I wanted to play there. I wanted to play in Greece”.

In Europe he played for Fenerbahce, Spartak Saint Petersburg, Sassari and last season in Pesaro. “I have many friends in Europe and I still follow what’s going on there. Especially in Euroleague, which is very strong and competitive”. When we asked him, if he’ll think in the summer to join a Greek team, he just said.”We’ll see, we still have lots of time, till then”.

James White will take part in NBA’s dunk contest in Houston and as you can see and as we know in Europe, he’ll be one of the favorites to win it! Here is the preview of his dunks
