The 23rd was the chosen one

By Rigas Dardalis/

We met him for the first time in European Championship of under 20 in Rhodes in 2009 and we… remembered his existence four years later, with his impressive performance in the second semifinal of Eurocup. In the meantime Mamadou Samb worked hard, after getting “cut” by Barcelona, under the guidance of Fotis Katsikaris and earned a spot in Βilbao’s roster.

With 10 points, six rebounds and two blocks he “introduced” himself on Wednesday night against Budivelnik to the European fans of basketball and presents his unique story.

Mamadou was born in Dakar and has 22 brothers! His father was the minister of fisheries in Senegal and one of the most profound men in his country, until his death in 2011. His older brother Cheikh (who has played for the Pistons, Clippers, Nuggets and Knicks) was the one that forced him to basketball. «It was not easy. As a young kid, I played soccer, but my older brother pushed me to basketball. I tried to learn from hi, I started to like it and this is how I became a basketball player», he revealed to, when we met him in Bilbao during the season.

Cheikh is always in his mind, but what happens with his other 21 brothers; “Of course I remember all of their names” In Africa families are big and we’re used to this. My father had four wives and I’m the younger one of the kids that he has with my mother”.

-Do you keep in touch, will all of your brothers;

“Of course. Everyboy is on Skype and we talk all the time”.

-Is anyone else playing basketball;

“Right now Cheikh is in Dubai and one more brother is playing. All the others work in the fishing company of my family”.

-Who’s your “brother” in Bilbao;

“Nikos (Zisis) is helping me like a big brother. But overall, I have learned so much in this team, cause there are many players with experience. Kostas (Vasiliadis), Mumbru, Axel (Hervell). Everybo has helped me and this experience is great”.

-How is it playing for a Greek coach;

“Very good. Coach Katsikaris has helped me a lot and every day I learn something from him”.

-And this is why fans of Bilbao get excited when they see you in the court;

“From the first moment that I came in Bilbao, everybody has helped me to become better and people like me. It is a very nice feeling”.